Latest graduation rates are in for 27J high schools
Latest graduation rates are in for 27J high schools
The state released its graduation rates this week. In 27J Schools, the graduation rate dipped by nearly one percentage point from 88.1 percent to 87.2 percent. However, two of the district’s three comprehensive high schools achieved the highest graduation rate in their school’s history.
District leaders acknowledge the dip in rates, but the data actually tells a couple of other stories. Brighton High School’s 4-year graduation rate increased from 92.2 percent last year for the Class of 2023, to 93.4 percent this year. Riverdale Ridge High School went up from 93.6 percent last year to 96.2 percent this year.
“We know we’re providing our students with relevant skills to be successful in today’s world,” Superintendent Will Pierce said. “There’s work we still need to do, but I also have confidence our staff and students will continue to improve.”
Looking beyond the traditional 4-year graduation rate, this year’s graduation data show a notable number of 27J students met graduation requirements, but it took a bit longer than four years to earn a diploma.
“It’s important to recognize that 27J teachers and staff don’t give up on students that simply need some extra time to earn their diploma,” Superintendent Will Pierce said. “For a variety of reasons, students have had setbacks and family situations that got in the way of meeting that 4-year timeline. But that’s okay. What’s important to us is that we prepare every student with the skills they need to be successful after graduation. We’re less wedded to simply meeting that 4-year timeline and far more committed to students learning marketable skills.”
District graduation rates go up when considering the additional time it allows students to continue to learn. For example, the Class of 2023, their five-year graduation rate is now 92.2 percent. That’s an increase from their four-year graduation rate of 88.1 percent. A similar trend is seen with the six- and seven-year graduation rates from prior graduating classes.
27J students are filling career and technical education (CTE) classes in industries that need skilled workers immediately. CTE classes in courses like biomedical science, construction, and culinary arts let students demonstrate their skills by earning industry professional certification telling employers they’ve got the skills businesses need now. Last year 27J Schools students earned a total of 817 industry certificates, the highest number earned in the district’s history. District graduates are putting those skills immediately to use after high school by going directly into employment, enlistment or enrolling in college.
To view all graduation statistics for the Class of 2024, visit CDE’s Data Dashboard and select School District 27J or any 27J high school in the district or school views.