We believe in a standard of care that is critical to support our community in each of our partner schools:
Local board that represents the voice of the community
Upholding all state and federal laws
Equity of accessibility for every student
Anyone who is interested in applying to become a charter school must follow our application process.
The first step in the process is to submit a Letter of Intent to Apply between July 1st and July 15th to our Superintendent, Dr. Chris Fiedler at cfiedler@sd27j.net and our Partner School Liaison, Kenlyn Newman at knewman@sd27j.net. Ms. Newman will connect with you to provide additional information once the letter has been received. Our application is located on our Anvilar and can be found here.
Application Timeline
Letter of Intent Due
July 1 - July 15 of the year preceding the proposed opening
Application Due
August 1 - August 15th of the year preceding the proposed opening
Application Review and Response
27J shall within 15 days of receiving the application review the application to ensure all components required by State law are concluded. The applicant has 15 days to respond. The application is considered complete when the information is received.
District Charter Application Review Team
Charter Review Team will review application and conduct an interview with the charter applicant if needed for clarification. In addition to the Charter Review Team, the School District may use expert reviewers contracted by the Colorado Association of Charter School Authorizers.
District Accountability Community Meeting
School District 27J will utilize the October DAC meeting for training, to review and to evaluate the charter application(s) and to make a recommendation to the superintendent.
Superintendent Review
The superintendent will review information from the District Accountability Community Meeting and the District Charter Application Review Team and will make a recommendation to the Board.
Board Action
Board will take action on a regularly scheduled board meeting within 90 days after the application has been deemed complete.
Relevant District Policies