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School Board

Upcoming Meetings

Regular meetings and study sessions occur at:

The Lois Lesser Board and Conference Room
1850 Egbert Street
Suite 120
Brighton, CO 80601

A livestream of any regular meeting will be available on the 27J Schools YouTube channel

The livestream will open at the start time of the meeting. (There may be a short delay during the livestream broadcast.)

The 27J Board of Education meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, except for March, November and December. The second Wednesday is reserved for linkage meetings or planning sessions. The fourth Wednesday of the month is the Board's regular business meeting. During the months of March, November and December, the regular meeting is held on the second Wednesday of the month.

Board Documentation

By policy, livestream or audio recordings of Board meetings are available for 90 days after the meeting is held.

Expectations of the Board Reports