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Credit Recovery

The Credit Recovery Program is a non-judgemental program that helps support, motivate and guide students back on the path to graduation.

Register for Credit Recovery Through Your School

Student and Parent Must-Knows

Please read below to ensure a smooth credit recovery process.

Must-know information about credit recovery for students and parents.
  Credit Recovery Must-Knows
1 The credit recovery fee MUST be paid prior to enrolling in any classes.
2 Students must complete the class (including the final exam) by 4:30 p.m. on the Session Deadline to receive credit.
3 27J has a limited number of Credit Recovery Licenses. Students will be placed in sessions on a First-Come-First-Serve basis. Once a session is full, students will be placed in the next available session.
4 You MUST take all pretests, posttests and the Final exam in the Credit Recovery Lab with the Online Learning Student Mentor. All lessons and the final exam MUST be completed by 4:30 p.m. on the Session Deadline.
5 Phones are not allowed and will be collected during tests.
6 The Credit Recovery Lab will be open for students to work on lessons and tests, EVERY DAY (Tues.-Fri.), 8:10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
7 Each sessions lasts six weeks. The class MUST be completed by the end of the six week session.

27J Credit Recovery Program Updates

In August of 2024 27J Schools adopted a new Credit Recovery Platform, Accelerate Education, to serve students who need to recover necessary credits toward the 46 required to graduate. This change has required and allowed us to update, change and align the processes for students who need to engage in credit recovery, across the District. Due to this change in platform and in the processes, students and families will need to be aware of past practices and processes that no longer apply. Students will need to work with their Counselor, Credit Recovery Success Coach and School Administration to ensure they are following the new processes and are able to recover the necessary credits on time for their graduation. Students will continue to register for Credit Recovery through their school and work with the site Credit Recovery Success Coach to register, engage and complete each course needed to be recovered. The Credit Recovery Program in 27J Schools is a non-judgemental program that helps support, motivate and guide students back on the path to graduation.

Frequently asked questions about Credit Recovery