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Special Education

We believe that students with disabilities need support and instruction while also being challenged to meet grade level standards. We believe EVERY student is capable of learning.

In striving to achieve the 27J mission of empowering every student to take control of their future, the Special Education Department provides support and guidance on providing specially designed instruction to students who are eligible for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP).  We believe that students with disabilities need support and instruction while also being challenged to meet grade level standards.  We believe EVERY student is capable of learning and provide the following services:

  • Academic Instruction
  • Social Skills Instruction
  • Mental Health Services
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Adaptive PE Instruction
  • Behavioral Supports
  • Teacher of the Visually Impaired
  • Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Transition Services

Special Education Team

1 2 3 9 > showing 1 - 12 of 106 constituents

Kristin Hanson-Hofmann

Titles: Special Ed Director

Sarah Baumgartner

Titles: Sped Asst Dir

Mari Kay Bass

Titles: Secretary To The Director

Alexandra Austin

Titles: Speech Therapist

Cierra Bagley

Titles: Psychologist - Contractor

Lori Beasey

Titles: Speech Therapist

Kimberly Beliera

Titles: Speech Therapist

Kala Bennett

Titles: Nurse - Contractor

Mary Berens

Titles: Spec Ed Data & Report Tech

Erin Bluth

Titles: Nurse - Contractor

Amy Brown

Titles: Speech Therapist

Kelly Brown

Titles: Nurse - Contractor

Resources for Parents