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Accident Prevention Safety: EBB

  • Support Services: E
Accident Prevention Safety: EBB

The Superintendent shall maintain suitable and safe equipment for each classroom. Students and teachers shall wear industrial quality protective eye devices when attending classes in vocational or industrial art shops or laboratories in which processes are used which might have a tendency to cause eye damage. Visitors to such classrooms or laboratories shall also wear such protective eye devices.

Students on school playgrounds shall be under the supervision of a school employee during school hours. Each school principal shall provide for the regular inspection and safety of all grounds and equipment.

Problems connected with the safe adaptation of the school program to the needs of the student shall be referred to the department of student services. Classroom activities, hours and requirements shall be adjusted to meet the needs of students with specific health problems. Notification of cases requiring special health considerations shall be given to the school nurse so that special arrangements can be made.

Individual consideration shall be given to students requiring the short term use of crutches, braces, casts, wheel chairs or canes. Within each building, special arrangements shall be made for the safety and welfare of the individual as well as his classmates. Such special arrangements shall take into consideration the age of the student, necessity for climbing stairs, procedure in event of emergency, access to lavatory facilities and duration of special conditions. Adaptation/accessibility considerations for handicapped students will be provided pursuant to state and federal law. All students will be encouraged to participate in school activities and should only be limited on the advice of a physician due to a medical condition.


October 14, 1975
Revised 1978
Revised to conform with practice:  date of manual adoption
Updated August 1, 1988
Revised February 10, 2014

C.R.S. 22-3-101 through 22-3-104 (eye protective devices)
C.R.S. 22-32-124 (2), (3) (building inspections)

JLI, Supervision of Students