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Bidding Requirements: DJE

  • Fiscal Management: D
Bidding Requirements: DJE

School and department administration as authorized by Superintendent policy shall secure written bids on all single item purchases exceeding $20,000 and on all other purchases of supplies, equipment and projects when in the best interests of the district. Purchases valued at less than $20,000 but more than $10,000 shall be based upon at least three (3) written, faxed or oral quotations whenever feasible.

Contracts, and competitive purchases shall be awarded to the lowest responsible qualified supplier, taking into consideration the quality of materials (services) desired and their contribution to program goals.

When time is of the essence, bid procedures may be waived provided prudent measures are taken to obtain the best price available under the circumstances (phone, quotations, etc.)

In the case of items available only from one source, purchases may be made based on negotiations with that source.

The Superintendent shall have the authority to reject any or all bids.


Adopted March 13, 1979

Revised December 13, 1988

Revised February 23, 1993

Revised February 22, 2005

Revised February 10, 2014


LEGAL REFS.: C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(b)

C.R.S. 24-17-201


CROSS REF.: BCB, Board Member Conflict of Interest

DJB, Purchasing Procedures

  • Finance