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Class Size: IIB

  • Instruction: I
Class Size: IIB

The Superintendent is aware that class size has bearing upon effective teaching. It therefore directs the superintendent to work with principals in establishing a reasonable and appropriate class enrollment for each teacher based upon the assignment.

The Superintendent understands that achieving this goal is dependent upon the financial ability of the district. In determining the size of various classes, the administration will consider the following factors:

  1. The type of load which will help the teacher be most effective with the students in the class.
  2. The experience of the teacher and his familiarity with district programs and policies.
  3. Required preparation and correction time for the particular class.
  4. Physical makeup of the classroom and its equipment to ensure the safety of the students and teacher.

The Superintendent shall periodically review the size of various classes and make a determination as to the appropriateness of such size.


Current practice codified 1983

Adopted:  January 24, 1984

Revised:  February 10, 2014

LEGAL REF.:   CDE 2202-R-2.2.5


CROSS REF.:   GCM, Professional Staff Work Load