Communicable Diseases: JLCC
- Students: J
The school district is required to provide educational services to all school age children who reside within its boundaries. The Superintendent also recognizes the need to protect the health and welfare of students and staff and may by law exclude any student or staff member with a communicable disease according to Colorado State Department of Health Guidelines. Students determined to be educationally handicapped will be considered under this policy pursuant to the Exceptional Children's Education Act and P.L. 94-142.
Because communicable diseases vary widely, the school district shall utilize the advice of the State Health Department and the medical community in order to respond in a prudent manner to any student being diagnosed as having a communicable disease and/or life threatening medical condition. Appropriate action shall be determined on a case by case basis in accordance with this policy and procedures. In all cases the student's right to privacy shall be respected.
Adopted November 11, 1980
Revised April 12, 1988