Community Use of School Facilities: KF-KFB-KFC-R
- School-Community Relations: K
The Superintendent endorses maximum use of school facilities by citizens of School District 27J and community agencies during times when they are not in use for district-sponsored activities. Groups and organizations that include a membership of at least fifty-percent (50%) of District 27J residents will receive preferential treatment over non-district requests for the use of facilities.
The annual school budget for operation and maintenance includes funds primarily for the operation of facilities for the education of District 27J youth and educational programs. Other uses must not detract from that purpose.
The following regulations pertain to all groups using district buildings and facilities:
General Regulations for Use of Facilities
1. Requests for facilities usage must be received by the Facilities Department at least five working days prior to the desired date of use. Receipt of the contract indicates building usage approval. No facility will be used without written application and completion of the application process. No exceptions will be made. There will be a $20 application fee for all facility usage requests.
2. All long-term rental agreements must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
3. All organizations will be held responsible for the condition of the area they use. Should any damage be incurred as the result of any organization using any building or facility, such organization will be charged for the actual repair costs related to the damage and shall pay this amount to District 27J within 30 days.
4. A responsible adult from the organization using the facility will assume direct responsibility and supervision for any facility usage and will be present at all times.
5. As a general rule, district equipment will be made available only to district-sponsored organizations.
6. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco usage of all kinds are prohibited on all school district premises.
7. A minimum of one district custodian or approved district staff member must be on the premises at all times during the rental of a district facility for all non-school activities in order to facilitate enforcing rules, fire and accident prevention, and emergency concerns.
If the building usage is during a time that a building custodian is not regularly scheduled to be on the premises, the district will provide a district custodian to be present during the facility usage. The user group will be charged for the cost of this employee. See fee schedule.
Additional charges will be billed to the user for added services that result in extra hours worked by District employees, e.g., setting up chairs and/or tables, moving equipment, custodian time for cleanup, etc.
8. Any individual or organization utilizing any school facility will be responsible for maintaining the facility in a clean and operable condition as determined by the building principal. The cost of any cleaning provided by the district due to the failure of the user to meet this provision will be charged for such services and shall be paid to the district within 30 days.
9. No group will negotiate fees directly with, nor pay fees directly to, a custodian, district employee, or district group. All fees will be paid directly to District 27J.
10. The use of kitchen facilities must be coordinated with the food services department and at least one person from the food services department must be present when the kitchen is used. A fee for this service will be invoiced by and paid to the food services department. Groups will be charged food services worker fees for one additional hour after the stated departure time. See fee schedule.
11. Whenever special stage lighting and sound systems are used at the high school auditorium, a district employee must be present to supervise the program. A trained school technician is required to operate the equipment and controls. See fee schedule for rates.
12. A deposit in an amount determined by the district may be required prior to an activity, when it is determined to be in the best interest of the district.
13. An individual or group renting a district facility will be charged for the entire time that individual or group is present in the building (shower time after using a school gymnasium will be considered part of the time the facility is rented). It shall be the responsibility of the individual or group renting the facility to notify the custodian on the premises of its arrival and departure each time the facility is used. Since the custodian is made aware of times when groups will be using facilities, they will make an effort to make themselves visible periodically throughout the time of rental.
14. At least 24 hours’ notice must be given to the Facilities Usage Coordinator by the requesting group for cancellations. Cancellations made after that time will be charged one-half of the agreed-upon fee. Schedule changes made after the original request may be charged a $10 change fee.
15. The district assumes no responsibility for injury to any individual or member of a group using a district facility nor does the district assume liability for lost or stolen items belonging to an individual or group or its members using a district facility. Any individual, group or member of a group using a district facility will indemnify and hold the district harmless of any liability in the event of any such injury or theft. We require a Certificate of Insurance from all individuals and organizations naming School District 27J as additional insured. The certificate must be in the amount of $1,000,000 and should be for at least 12 months or the specific period in which the facilities will be used. The certificate must be on file before the group will be permitted to use the facilities.
16. Organizations using facilities must be aware of use by school and/or community organizations that would take precedence over their activity. Every effort shall be made to schedule the use of facilities at another location.
17. At the sole discretion of the district, prior payment may be required of an individual or group renting a district facility. Payment must be received by the district no later than 30 days after the billing date. If payment is not received within the 30 days, future rental will be denied until the account is paid in full and/or rental contracts will be canceled.
18. District keys shall not be loaned or issued to non-school personnel without prior district approval. Unless a permit is approved, school personnel may not unlock facilities for community activities.
19. The facility use contract is limited to the specific room or areas, during the days and contract hours specified on the contract. The contract holder must ensure that the remainder of the building is not entered and that the group leaves on time. The contract is limited to the described activity and any change to the described activity must be approved by the building Custodian.
20. Any other permit or certificate required from police, fire, health or other governmental agency must be obtained by and are the responsibility of the user. Failure to obtain any required permit may be cause for immediate cancellation. The District may request to see proof of any required permit or certificate and the user shall comply promptly.
21. Animals in school facilities are prohibited. This does not prohibit the use of service animals.
22. District 27J reserves the right to refuse or revoke usage privileges to any individual or group.
23. After three (3) no shows at a scheduled school year your contract will be considered null and void. New application fees will need to be paid if you want to reschedule. A new contract will also be prepared.
Responsibilities for Facility Use
Category | Responsibilities |
Facilities Department | 1. Maintains calendar of district facility usage. 2. Checks facility and equipment availability with the schools prior to accepting an "Application for Building Usage." 3. Prepares contract for Building Usage. 4. Application must be made with the Facilities Office at least five working days prior to the desired rental date. 5. Maintains all facility usage records, billing and receivables of accounts. 6. Grants approval of building usage, signs and dates application. 7. Distributes copies of Contract: a. District office (permanent copy) b. School (one copy sent to the school for distribution as needed) c. Applicant (building admittance) |
Building Principal | 8. Signs "Building Usage/Custodian Overtime Report" (when overtime is worked). |
Custodian | 9. Completes "Building Usage/Custodian Overtime Report" for each group that uses the facility and submits to the Facilities Office (whether overtime is worked or not). Obtains Principal signature if overtime is worked. |
Facilities Office | 10. Approves and signs "Building Usage/Custodian Overtime Report" 11. Distributes copies of "Building Usage/Custodian Overtime Report" a. Facilities keeps original b. District office (payroll) if overtime is paid c. School (keeps copies before sending repot to Facilities) 12. Provides groups with written receipts for all cash payments made at the Administration Building |
Finance Office | 13. Deposits all receipts for building usage to the proper account. 14. Pays custodians and other district employees for overtime worked as reported on the "Building Usage/Custodian Overtime Report” from the proper account. |
Classrooms Elementary, Middle & High School |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $10/hr | ||||||
Group III | $25/hr | ||||||
Group IV | $35/hr |
Gymnasiums/Multi-purpose Rooms/Weight Rooms Elementary & Middle School |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $10/hr | ||||||
Group III | $30/hr | ||||||
Group IV |
$35/hr |
Auditorium High School |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $10/hr | ||||||
Group III | $35/hr | ||||||
Group IV |
$40/hr |
Gymnasiums/Multi-purpose Rooms/Weight Rooms Elementary & Middle School |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $10/hr | ||||||
Group III | $30/hr | ||||||
Group IV |
$35/hr |
When the auditorium is used and lighting and/or sound systems are required, a trained school technician is required to operate the equipment and controls. The charge for the technical manager is $30.00 per hour.
Cafeterias Elementary, Middle & High School |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $10/hr | ||||||
Group III | $25/hr | ||||||
Group IV | $35/hr |
Kitchen Rental: |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $45/hr | ||||||
Group III | $45/hr | ||||||
Group IV | $45/hr |
Athletic Areas Swimming Pool (Including Diving Pool) The group is required to provide certified lifeguards; one for each 25 participants. Two lifeguards are required if both pools are used. The group must provide copies of the lifeguards’ certifications prior to use of the facility. If no lifeguard can be found, the activity will be canceled. |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $10/hr | ||||||
Group III | $40/hr | ||||||
Group IV | $55/hr |
Parking Lots: All District Owned Lots |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $5/hr | ||||||
Group III | $5/hr | ||||||
Group IV | $5/hr |
The custodial overtime rate will be $45.00/hr. The holiday overtime rate will be $50/hr
Equipment: Computer Lab | |||||||
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $50/event | ||||||
Group III | $75/event | ||||||
Group IV | $100/event |
Equipment: TV/VCR | |||||||
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $50/event | ||||||
Group III | $75/event | ||||||
Group IV | $100/event |
Equipment: Public Address System The use of the computer labs is contingent upon approval from the school technology professional. |
Group I | NC | ||||||
Group II | $10/event | ||||||
Group III | $10/event | ||||||
Group IV | $10/event |
Group Priority Schedule | |||||||
Group I | District sponsored programs | ||||||
Group II | Youth activities which benefit District 27J school-age children (formerly exempt) | ||||||
Group III | Non-profit adult activities | ||||||
Group IV | Groups which originate outside of District 27J and/or do not benefit District 27J school-age children. Groups and organizations that are for-profit. |
Due to limited availability or scheduling conflicts, facility usage will be granted in accordance with this schedule.
The Facilities Usage Coordinator has the right to negotiate fees with long-term users that occupy multiple rooms.
Approved January 23, 1979
Revised April 12, 1983
Revised August, 1985
Revised April 8, 1986
Revised December 13, 1988
Revised September 22, 1992
Revised February 8, 1994
Revised December 16, 1997
Revised August 13, 2002
Revised September 9, 2003
Revised August 9, 2005
Revised May 25, 2010
Revised June 14, 2011
Revised March 17, 2014