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Denial of Admission and Exclusions from Attendance: JHD

  • Students: J
Denial of Admission and Exclusions from Attendance: JHD

1. Admission. New students to the District shall be enrolled conditionally until educational records, including discipline records, from the schools previously attended by the student are received by the District. In the event the student’s records indicate a reason to deny admission, the student’s conditional enrollment status may be revoked.

2. Authority. The superintendent, or superintendent’s designee, may deny admission to the schools within the District in accordance with applicable law.

3. Grounds for Denial of Admission.

  • 3.1. Having been expelled from any school District during the preceding twelve months;
  • 3.2. Behavior in another school District during the preceding twelve months that is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel;
  • 3.3. Graduation from the twelfth grade of any school or receipt of any document evidencing completion of the equivalent of a secondary curriculum;
  • 3.4. Failure to meet the requirements of age by a child who has reached the age of six at a time after the beginning of the school year as fixed by the Board of Education of the District;
  • 3.5. Not being a resident of the District, unless otherwise entitled to attend under provisions of the laws of Colorado;
  • 3.6. Subject to the District’s responsibilities under applicable special education law:
    • 3.6.1. Physical or mental disability such that the child cannot reasonably benefit from the program available;
    • 3.6.2. Physical or mental disability or disease causing the attendance of the child suffering there from to be inimical (detrimental) to the welfare of other students;
  • 3.7. Failure to comply with immunization requirements except as provided by statute.

4. Restricted Admissions. Students may be restricted as to where and when they may enroll in school under the following conditions:

  • 4.1. The student seeks enrollment in a school attended by a known victim of a past crime of violence for which the enrolling student was convicted, pled guilty or pled no contest.
  • 4.2. Students who have dropped out of school or have withdrawn to homeschool during the course of a school year and desire to enroll during that school year may be restricted from admission until the next grading period.

5. Due Process. Admission decisions may be reviewed in a due process hearing if the parent requests the hearing within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the written denial of admission notification. Additional relevant procedures are identified in Policy JKD – Student Due Process.

6. Out-of-Home Placements. Students residing in out-of-home placements may have additional legal protections concerning denial of admission decisions.

7. Educational Services for Denied Admission Students. Denied admission students may be eligible to participate in the District’s program for expelled students or other transitional programming as space may be available, provided the student resides in the District’s boundaries, and that such services can be provided safely and without interfering with the educational opportunities of other students.


Existing Practice Codified 1983 

Adopted January 24, 1984 

Revised February 11, 2014

Revised July 14, 2015



C.R.S. 22-33-104

C.R.S. 22-33-105

C.R.S. 22-33-106 



JEA, Compulsory Attendance Age

JEB, Entrance Age

JK, Student Code of Conduct

JKD, Student Due Process

JLC, Student Health Services and Requirements

JLCB and JLCB-R, Inoculations of Students