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Educational Specifications: FEA

  • Facilities Development: F
Educational Specifications: FEA

To ensure that all new facilities are designed to best implement the educational program, the superintendent will provide for the development of detailed educational specifications to apply to the design and construction of new buildings and to provide guidance as existing facilities are renovated or remodeled.

In developing specifications, the superintendent will draw on recommendations of the professional and non-certificated staff, students and student groups, citizen committees, and community organizations. The superintendent shall prepare a document incorporating the design specifications described below. This document shall be prepared in a format as directed by architects and others participating in the design and construction of District facilities.

The specifications shall include:

  1. Information concerning the plan of school organization and estimated enrollment in the proposed building.
  2. A description of the students to be served.
  3. A description of the proposed curriculum and the teaching methods and techniques to be employed.
  4. A schedule of space requirements, including an indication of relative locations of various spaces.
  5. A desired layout of special areas and the equipment needed for such areas
  6. Pertinent budget and related factors

Adopted February 24, 1987
Revised January 27, 1998
Revised February 10, 2014