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Emergency Plans: EBCA-R1

  • Support Services: E
Emergency Plans: EBCA-R1

Responsibility of teachers and staff in an emergency are as follows, listed in priority order:

  1. Safety of the student and visitor within the schools at the time of an emergency.
  2. Preservation of district property and equipment.
  3. Preparation or maintenance of the building in such a condition as to allow emergency personnel such as fire, police or ambulance access to each area within the building.

The procedure to follow whenever an emergency occurs is as follows:

  1. At sounding of the alarm within the school, all personnel shall leave the building in an orderly manner through the designated exit. No one shall remain or be allowed to re-enter except staff as designated and emergency personnel.
  2. No person shall delay exiting in an attempt to save personal effects.
  3. All doors shall be closed but not locked. All windows shall be closed.
  4. All personnel shall remain away from the building and any emergency equipment until the all-clear has been sounded.
  5. No person shall interfere or fail to abide by any reasonable order of any emergency personnel (police, fire, ambulance).
  6. All teachers and staff not required to assist with the emergency shall remain a safe distance from the structure until all-clear is sounded.

Current practice codified 1983
Approved:  January 24, 1984
Revised:  February 10, 2014