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English Second Language: IHBEA

  • Instruction: I
English Second Language: IHBEA

In accordance with applicable law, the District shall implement an instructional program for the purpose of improving English proficiency skills of monolingual non-English speakers, limited English proficient and bilingual (English and other languages) students. These are students who have not achieved a “Fluent” category on a reliable and valid language proficiency assessment. In addition, they have not reached age and grade level academic achievement standards and proficiencies commensurate to the achievement of mainstream students at a partially proficient level.

Students shall be identified through a parent-teacher checklist, language assessment scale and/or a standardized achievement test.

Teachers and paraprofessionals, under the direction of bilingual/ESL teachers, shall utilize appropriate materials, methods and techniques in the areas of English as a second language, reading and language arts. The instructional staff shall receive inservice training in these areas in order to upgrade their skills in the delivery of services to students.

Coordination with district programs such as bilingual education and migrant education will take place in order to assure that all students are served and in order to avoid duplication of services and resources.

Students shall be served in small groups, individually, large groups, within the classroom setting, depending on student need and/or the structure of each school.


Current practice codified 1983

Adopted:  January 24, 1984

Revised January 22, 1985

Updated January, 1990

Revised  March 12, 1996

Revised April 27, 2004


LEGAL REFS.:  CRS 22-24-101 through 22-24-105 (English Language Proficiency Act)1

CCR 301-10, Rules 2224-R-1 through 2224-R-3