Expense Reimbursements: DKC-R
- Fiscal Management: D
The following procedures shall apply to expense reimbursements:
1. Official Travel
- a. Actual travel expense shall be paid or reimbursed or mileage shall be reimbursed at the normal district rate per mile when private automobiles are used.
- b. Travel expenses shall be kept to a minimum. Toll fees are not reimbursable when toll roads are used for travel between schools or for in-state school events.
- c. The number of private automobiles used will be kept to a minimum whenever possible.
- d. Carpool when possible if two or more employees are going to the same destination.
- e. Standard mileage shall be used for reimbursement as follows:
Mileage between
27J Buildings: Use mileage calculation sheet Shared Drive->Forms->Finance-> Accounts Payable Forms->Mileage Chart
2. Mileage Reimbursements
The mileage expense report is to be completed by any employee who is requesting reimbursement for expenses incurred while using a privately-owned vehicle on School District business.
- a. All mileage claims require supporting documentation showing the mileage amount.
- Maps with mileage listed are an acceptable form of back up.
- Print-outs of mileage between addresses is also acceptable.
- b. Mileage Reimbursement form should be completed, signed and dated by the employee, approved by the immediate supervisor and forwarded to the Finance office for payment.
- c. Employees are not reimbursed between home and first or last location each day.
- d. Reports received more than ninety (90) days after the due date may be denied.
- e. All reimbursements must be turned into the Finance office before the established year-end cut off dates.
3. TRAVEL/Conference Expenses
Conference expenses, including meals, lodging, travel and fees shall be either paid by the district or reimbursed to the employee if:
- a. The proper forms are submitted with sufficient documentation (travel expense form or mileage reimbursement report).
- b. The forms are approved by the Supervisor or Principal.
- c. There is sufficient budgeted money available.
4. Meal Expenses
Meal expenses shall be reimbursed with itemized receipts. In the absence of documentation, the maximum amount allowed for meals shall be as follows:
- a. Breakfast $6.00
- b. Lunch 8.00
- c. Dinner 15.00
Alcoholic Beverage will not be reimbursed.
Tips greater than 20% will not be reimbursed.
Administrators and/or staff members may not use a district purchasing card to purchase, or submit for reimbursement, meals during the work day for staff unless he/she is traveling on district business and the travel has prior approval.
The only exception to this rule is an administrator using a purchasing card to provide one meal at the beginning of the school year and one meal at the end of the school year as an incentive to employees. If food is purchased at other times during the year, the administrator and/or staff member assumes the cost of the meal.
5. Expense Vouchers
Employees may receive advances for meals when properly authorized by the individual with budget authority when traveling. Employees receiving such advances shall submit itemized receipts to the Finance office upon their return to the district.
If actual totals exceed the employee's advance, the district shall reimburse the difference. However, if the advance exceeds the totals incurred, the employee shall immediately reimburse the district for the difference.
6. Reimbursements
Other expense reimbursements will be distributed along with other non-payroll checks following normal Accounts Payable procedures.
All reimbursements require approval/authorization by supervisor or principal with budget authority.
Approved mileage requests will need to be submitted to Accounts Payable by the second (2nd) Thursday of each month.
Mileage reimbursement payments will be made every third (3rd) Thursday of each month. Mileage payments will only be made one time each month on the third (3rd) Thursday.
If the mileage deadline of submission on the second (2nd) Thursday is missed, the reimbursement will be included in the following month’s payments.
Approved October 14, 1975
Revised 1978
Revised 1987
Revised December 13, 1988
Revised February 23, 1993
Revised November 12, 1996
Revised November 23, 2009
Revised February 10, 2014
Revised June 5, 2014
Revised October 24, 2018
- Finance