Extended Field Trip Request Form: IJOA-E2
- Instruction: I
Extended Field Trip Request Form: IJOA-E2
Please complete the following and submit to the building administrator responsible for field trip approval.
- School: Brighton Heritage
- Organization, class, club requesting the trip:
- Destination:
- Date(s):
- Time out of school:
- Approximate distance to be traveled round trip:
- Number of students: involved:
- Number of chaperones:
- Method of transportation:
- Manner in which the trip is to be financed:
- a)
- b)
- c)
- d)
- e)
- Estimated total trip cost: $
- Estimated cost to each student: $
- What accommodations are to be used?
- Explain the purpose of the trip including educational objectives, value to students, etc.
- Are there alternatives to this trip? available: Yes Explain:
- What commitments to parents or students have been made to date?
- Does this trip involve a state or national activity? Yes Explain:
- Has this organization, class, club, participated in this or a similar activity in the past three years? Yes If so, please list and describe:
- Sponsor comments:
Sponsor Signature_________________________
Building administrator comments:
Administrator’s Signature_____________________
Central administrator comments:
Superintendent’s Signature________________________