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Facilities Development: FA

  • Facilities Development: F
Facilities Development: FA

The Superintendent believes that a quality educational program is significantly influenced by the physical environment within which it functions. Development of a quality educational program and safe, functional school facilities that promote implementation of the program are in strong accord. Educational facilities represent a major investment for the District and proper facility planning is an essential component of instructional planning.

Therefore, it is the School Board’s goal to provide and maintain the number of facilities required to accommodate the enrollment received as well as the types of facilities needed to support the educational program. Such facilities will:

  • Efficiently house students and staff in facilities that are conducive to optimal learning and staff performance;
  • Be appropriately located to provide optimal use during the life of the facility;
  • Provide equity in instructional opportunities for all students; and
  • Reflect the value placed on instruction by District residents and staff.

Given the substantial lead time necessary to plan, design and construct school facilities, it is also the Board’s policy to attempt to acquire school sites in advance of actual need, whenever possible.


Adopted: January 27, 1998

Revised: February 10, 2014