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Facilities Planning Advisory Committee: FBA-R

  • Facilities Development: F
Facilities Planning Advisory Committee: FBA-R


The Facilities Planning Advisory Committee is a standing committee whose purpose is to advise the Superintendent regarding the facility needs of the District. This advisory role would be involved in:

  1. Reviewing enrollment projections and recommending needed facilities
  2. Reviewing long-range site acquisition plans
  3. Reviewing construction priorities and timelines
  4. Naming of new facilities
  5. Developing and prioritizing a project list to upgrade/expand present facilities
  6. Developing a long-term capital construction plan
  7. Monitoring the process for retirement of facilities
  8. Investigating the feasibility and impact of annexation/de-annexation
  9. Evaluating and determining attendance area boundaries

MEMBERSHIP: (the following groups will have a minimum of one representative)

  • District Accountability Committee
  • Elementary Principal
  • Secondary Principal
  • Planning Manager
  • City/Community Development
  • Facilities Manager
  • Certified Employees
  • Classified Employees

Other community members may serve on an at-large basis


  1. The committee will meet quarterly on a regularly scheduled basis.
  2. Special meetings may be called as needed.
  3. The committee will elect a chairperson from among its membership.
  4. The committee will report annually to the Superintendent


Approved March 10, 1987

Revised November 24, 1998

Revised September 13, 2012

Revised February 10, 2014