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Field Trips and Excursions Chaperone: IJOA-R2

  • Instruction: I
Field Trips and Excursions Chaperone: IJOA-R2


  1. Responsible and dependable individuals shall be selected by the school personnel who are coordinating the field trip.
  2. Parents will be given priority over other adults.


  1. The administrator or teacher in charge of the trip has the responsibility for briefing the chaperones so that no misunderstanding can arise regarding their responsibilities.
  2. Rules are to be available and discussed with the chaperones so that no misunderstanding can arise regarding their responsibilities.
  3. In addition, chaperones shall be briefed on the itinerary. They should also be informed not to deviate from the published itinerary, unless adjustments or approval have been given by the school sponsor.
  4. Assurance will be made that chaperones understand that they will not receive compensation for the trip.
  5. Chaperones are to be informed that they must follow the rules as applied to the group and are not allowed to engage in different activities with their group unless arrangements have been made. They shall also be informed that they should not engage in drinking, poker, and other such type of behavior which would detract and set a poor example for student supervision.
  6. Chaperones should be introduced to students prior to embarking on the trip and encouraged to establish a relationship of supervision and control.
  7. Chaperones should be given some formal symbol of recognition such as name tags, jackets, etc., so that students can easily identify them.
  8. The administrator or teachers will discuss student rules of behavior with the students/chaperone prior to departure.

Rules and Duties of Chaperones

  1. Provide direct supervision of those students assigned. This may involve roll-taking as necessary, bed checks, reveille and accompanying students during all prescribed activities.
  2. Provide assistance to students in the solution of minor problems, personal or otherwise. A chaperone can be a confidant or parent surrogate if comfortable in the role. Please note: Decisions relative to the disciplining of students for violations of school or group regulations shall be the responsibility of the administrator, and/or advisor, not the chaperones: however, chaperones are urged to involve themselves i singular, immediate situations such as breaking of bus rules, school rules and other individual problems.
  3. Exhibit exemplary, personal behavior.
  4. Perform other duties as requested by the administrator and/or advisor that become necessary for the health, safety and well-being of all field trip members.
  5. Chaperones not on duty should keep the sponsor advised of their where bouts.


Approved June 10, 1980

Revised September 10, 1985

Revised August 25, 1992

Revised May 13, 1997

Revised December 2007

Revised February 10, 2014