Field Trips and Excursions: IHOA-R1
- Instruction: I
The following procedures shall be followed with regard to field trips:
A. Field Trip--School Time
- The sponsor-teacher of the trip will review the educational value of the field trip with the building principal and receive the principal’s approval at least one week prior to making arrangement and definite plans for the field trip.
- The principal will approve the trip only when satisfied that it is of educational value, is well planned and is within budget considerations.
- The principal or his designee will arrange for bus transportation with the transportation supervisor.
- No student shall be denied the opportunity to attend a field trip because of financial considerations.
- A field trip is an extension of the classroom and therefore classroom policies shall be in effect where practical.
- Normal bus regulations shall apply and all students on the bus shall be made aware of the regulations prior to the trip.
- A minimum of one certificated staff member will be present on each bus with a recommended ratio of one adult per class where possible. Recommendations for selection, briefing and duties of chaperone are included in Procedure IJOA-2-R.
- Students shall obtain permission from parents to participate.
- Permission may be obtained on a school-devised form.
- A student who is not allowed to participate because of parental objection will not be penalized in any way.
- Non-participating students will remain at school engaged in purposeful activities under staff supervision.
- The sponsor-teacher shall be responsible for making meal arrangements when necessary.
- The sponsor-teacher will be responsible for each student's safety and will take roll each time the students Superintendent the bus.
B. Field Trip--Evenings and Weekends
All policies and regulations applying to field trips conducted during school time shall also apply to those held in the evenings or on weekends except that a minimum of two weeks' notice must be given to the principal.
In addition, the following will be observed:
- Arrangements must be made with the parents to ensure that each student will have transportation home after the bus returns to the school.
- Departure and return locations shall be given to parents as well as departure and return times.
- After returning from the field trip, the sponsor will remain at the pick-up location until each student's ride has arrived.
C. Field Trip--Extended
The sponsor-teacher must obtain the principal's permission to make preliminary plans for the trip at least six weeks prior to the trip itself. The principal will approve the trip only after being satisfied that it is well planned, of educational value and will conform to Superintendent Policy and administrative procedures. The principal and the sponsor teacher shall discuss the trip with the superintendent and obtain his/her permission
Before the plan for the trip is presented to the Superintendent, a written presentation will be given to the Superintendent. No commitments will be made to students or parents until the Superintendent has approved the trip.
After receiving Superintendent approval, final arrangements may be made. The sponsor must keep the principal well informed of the progress of the plans. The principal may cancel the trip at any time if, in his opinion, the procedures of the district are not being properly followed or for other good and valid reasons.
General organization and implementation procedures must include the following:
- No student will be denied the opportunity to participate because of financial considerations.
- Parent permission slips will be obtained for each student and must include information to the parent necessary for the parent to fully understand all aspects of the trip.
- A meeting will be held with the parents to discuss and review the trip. Parents unable to attend the meeting will be contacted in an effort to keep them fully informed. The meeting agenda will include the following:
- Time and activity schedule
- Clothes to take
- Meal information
- Cost to the student
- Luggage arrangements
- Sleeping accommodations
- Emergency telephone numbers
- Spending money suggestions
- An overnight field trip for high school students must have a minimum of one adult chaperone for each 15 students. Overnight field trips for middle school students must have a minimum of one adult chaperone for each five students. At least one certificated sponsor will be present and in charge of the trip. Parent volunteers may be used as chaperones.
- Specific regulations concerning student responsibilities while on the trip must be clearly understood and agreed to by all prior to the trip.
- Insurance, if necessary, will be obtained by the director of finance when requested to do so by the sponsor.