Fiscal Emergencies: DBH
- Fiscal Management: D
If the Superintendent determines during any budget year that the anticipated revenues and amounts appropriated for expenditure in the budget exceed actual revenues available to the district due to action of the legislature or governor, the Superintendent may declare a fiscal emergency. Such action shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board.
Prior to taking such action, the Superintendent shall hold at least one public hearing.
Adopted February 23, 1993
Revised: February 10, 2014
Revised: February 10, 2014
LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-44-115.5
CROSS REFS.: GCBA, Instructional Staff Contracts/Compensation/Salary Schedules
GCL, Professional Staff Schedules and Calendars
GDBA, Support Staff Salary Schedules
GCK, Support Staff Schedules and Calendars
- Finance