Gifts and Donations From Public: KHA
- School-Community Relations: K
Gifts which may serve to enhance and extend the work of the schools may be received by the district in accordance with regulation KHA-R. It will be the general policy of the district to direct those who desire to make contributions to consider their donation for items or services not likely to be acquired through regular purchasing by the district within allowed budgeting processes.
1. All tangible property and cash donations to the schools become the sole property of the district subject to the same controls and conditions that govern all district property.
2. Contributions of property or services that involve major costs for installation or maintenance, or cause a continuing financial commitment from the school district, must be approved by the superintendent for consideration prior to acceptance.
3. Any group planning to raise money for a gift to a school or the district must first consult with the principal (building specific) or superintendent (district wide) regarding the suitability or appropriateness of the gift or activity.
All gifts or donations to the district must follow the guidelines in regulation KHA-R.
Gifts from Students: Teachers and other employees shall not accept gifts from students or parents except as such gifts represent tokens of appreciation with minor associated value.
Gifts from Staff Members to Staff Members: Individual employees shall refrain from giving gifts to staff members who exercise any administrative or supervisory jurisdiction over them, either directly or indirectly. Generally, the collection of money for group gifts in special situations such as bereavement, illness, for mementos at retirement, or special events such as "secret Santa’s," shall not be discouraged.
Gifts from Companies: No school district employee is to receive or accept any commission, expense paid trips, or any item of other than nominal value from individuals or companies which provide, attempt to provide or have potential to provide goods or services to the school district.
Solicitations: Solicitations during working hours of employees, either for contributions or membership drives, must be approved by the superintendent prior to the solicitation except as provided by separate contractual agreements. Nor shall staff members be made responsible, or assume responsibility for, the collection of any money or distribution of any fund drive literature within the schools without the activity being approved in advance by the superintendent (district wide) or the principal (building specific).
Gifts from Support Organizations (PTAs, PTOs, etc.): Cooperative planning of teachers, administrators, and organization representatives shall be the accepted method of determining what gifts shall be made. It is understood that final determination of the acceptability of the gift shall be made by the Superintendent in accordance with the guidelines established in regulation.
Approved: May 25, 1993
Revised: December 16, 1997
Revised: February 4, 2014