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Gifts and Donations From Public: KHA-R

  • School-Community Relations: K
Gifts and Donations From Public: KHA-R

All gifts or donations of money, tangible goods, or negotiable stock that exceeds a value of $500 must be accepted through a formal action of the Board of Education.

Two types of donations will be acceptable:

  • A. Unconditional Donation - gifts that are given with no specification for use.
  • B. Conditional Donations - gifts that are given with a specification for use*.


  1. Each district school shall have an activity account designated as "Gifts and Donations."
  2. Gifts that are donated to the schools shall be logged and documented on the Donation Form, KHA-E.
  3. The Donation Form shall be submitted to the office of the superintendent to be placed as a consent item for the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
  4. Upon approval, the donation (if monetary) will be deposited in the activity account of the school designated for a conditional donation, or the general fund of the district, if the gift is for unconditional use.

* Conditional gift: these donations will be accepted by the school district with the intent of using the donation as requested, although, the school district reserves the right to ultimate donation usage over time or in placement. The district will attempt, however, to honor the request of the donator to use the gift to the advantage of the students and a school for which the gift was intended.


Approved:  May 25, 1993

Revised:  February 4, 2014