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Grade Change Policy: IKAC

  • Instruction: I
Grade Change Policy: IKAC

1. Principal’s Responsibilities – General

The Principal is responsible for communicating grading requirements and standards to teachers annually. The Principal is also responsible for complying, and for ensuring that all school staff complies, with the requirements and procedures set out in this policy for implementing any changes to final student grades. The Principal is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the grades recorded and issued by his or her school.

2. Teacher’s Responsibilities

Teachers are responsible for evaluating students and for determining students’ grades in the subject area or activity for which the teachers are responsible. Teachers shall use the approved grading standards to evaluate pupil performance and progress and shall assign grades based upon the teacher’s professional judgment of the student’s work.

The teacher shall maintain documentation following the District’s current requirement, accurate evaluation records for each student in the student’s permanent record. The teacher shall be prepared to justify assigned grades. Teachers are responsible for validating their students’ final grade(s) before they are posted.

3. Reasons for Grade Change

Once a final grade has been issued, that grade may only be changed for the following reasons:

  • miscalculation of test or assignment scores;
  • a technical error in assigning a particular grade or score;
  • the evaluation of an extra assignment which impacts upon a grade;
  • use of an inappropriate grading/evaluation system; or
  • other reason deemed valid by involved parties (principal, teacher, counselor, etc.)

4. Grade Changes Occurring Within 30 Days

The procedures for approving and administering grade changes occurring within 30 school days from the date the grade was originally issued are as follows:

  • The principal must determine if the reason for the change is consistent with Section 3 above;
  • The principal shall review all relevant information and is required to confer with the teacher to discuss the grade prior to making the grade change determination. If the teacher is unavailable, the principal is encouraged to confer with the student’s guidance counselor prior to making the grade change determination;
  • Only the principal is authorized to approve such grade changes;
  • If the principal approves a grade change, the principal must notify the teacher in writing within three school days of the approval and explain the nature and reason(s) for the change. If the teacher is not in agreement with the principal’s change of grade decision, the teacher may appeal by the following procedures in Section 7 below;
  • The principal will notify the parents/guardians of the student of the grade change in writing. In the case of an emancipated minor, the principal will notify the student in the same manner. Parent notification shall occur only upon completion of any appeal filed by the teacher under Section 7 below;
  • The principal must complete and sign a Grade Change Authorization Form for all approved grade changes. This form will be given to the building registrar for filing with the student’s permanent record; and
  • The building registrar will, under the direction of the principal, make the grade change to the student’s electronic grade record and update files and transcripts accordingly.

5. Grade Changes Occurring After 30 School Days

If more than 30 school days have passed from the date the grade was originally issued, the principal must provide a written grade change request to the Director of Student Achievement for approval. In such cases, the principal shall complete the requirements set out in sections 4.a and 4.b above and submit the Grade Change Authorization Form along with a summary from the principal and teacher, if available, of the basis and reasons for the change. The Director of Student Achievement will review the matter and determine the appropriateness of the grade changes within ten (10) school days of receipt of the principal referral. The determination will be recorded on the Grade Change Authorization form and the principal and teacher shall be notified of said determination. The principal will ensure that the form is placed in the student’s permanent file and shall instruct the building registrar to update electronic grades, files and transcripts accordingly. The principal will then notify the parents/guardians of the determination in writing.

6. Grade Changes Occurring After One Year

If more than one (1) year has passed from the date the grade was originally issued, the principal and the superintendent or his designee, shall follow requirements set out in Section 5 above. In addition, all such changes must be approved by the Superintendent of School District 27J.

7. Teacher Appeal of Grade Change

If the teacher is not in agreement with the Principal’s determination to change a grade, the teacher may submit a written appeal that includes information on why the grade changes should not be made. This appeal must be sent to the principal and Director of Student Achievement within five (5) school days of the notification from the principal of a grade change approval. The principal will provide the teacher and The Director of Student Achievement with a written explanation as to the reasons why the grade change should be upheld. The Director of Student Achievement will make the final determination as to which of the two grades will stand within five (5) school days of receiving the appeal and will record his or her determination on the Grade Change Authorization Form. The Director of Student Achievement shall notify the principal and teacher in writing of the determination. The Grade Change Authorization Form shall be provided to the principal who will ensure it is filed with the student’s permanent record. The principal will notify the parents/guardians of the final determination.

8. Monitoring

The Office of Student Achievement shall periodically monitor grade changes that occur in schools for compliance with this policy. Failure to abide by this policy may subject employees to the Board’s Employee Discipline and Due Process Policy

Approved:  May 27, 2008