Homebound Instruction: IHBF
- Instruction: I
Parents of a student who is anticipated to be absent from school for more than fifteen (15) school days due to a verifiable physical, mental, or emotional disability may request services by district staff for homebound instruction or other out-of-school support services.
Application Process
Homebound instruction should be requested as soon as it is determined that the student’s condition will prevent them from attending school for more than 15 school days. The Application for Homebound Instruction can be located on the district website or may be requested from each school’s administrative office.
The student’s physician, in collaboration with District officials, must certify that the student will be unable to attend school for a specified length of time and that the student is capable of receiving homebound instruction. The physician must provide an estimate of the probable length of the student’s absence from school. The physician must also provide appropriate confidentiality waivers to the family as may be necessary to allow district staff to discuss the student’s medical needs with the physician.
The completed Application for Homebound Instruction must be submitted to the Intervention Services Department’s District Homebound Coordinator. If the student is on an individualized educational plan (IEP) or a Section 504 plan, the Homebound Coordinator will ensure that the application is reviewed by the Special Education Department.
Upon approval of the application, the location and timing of instruction provided will be decided at the discretion of District officials. Homebound instruction will not be available during times when school is not otherwise scheduled to be in session (e.g. winter break, spring break, summer vacation.)
Homebound instruction will correlate with academic work the student is missing in the classroom, and will be modified to the student’s needs and capabilities during the period of absence from school to the extent possible.
Homebound instruction plans and student progress will be reviewed every 45 days unless otherwise determined by a District official.
Special Education and Section 504
For a student on an IEP, the IEP team will determine the type and length of services available to the student during their homebound instruction. For a student on a Section 504 plan, the plan may be reviewed by a team of professionals to ensure accommodations are available during the homebound instruction.
For students with an IEP or Section 504 plan, the student’s case manager will work with the classroom teacher(s) and homebound instructor to modify lessons as appropriate.
Adopted October 14, 1975
Revised 1978
Revised May 9, 1989
Revised February 10, 2014
Revised November, 4 2014
LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-33-104 (2)(i)