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Instructional Materials: IJ-R

  • Instruction: I
Instructional Materials: IJ-R

The following procedures will be followed in selecting instructional materials by the professional staff of the district:

  1. Any member of the certificated staff may recommend the purchase of instructional materials to the building principal or supervisor.
  2. If the material is new to the district, its usefulness must be analyzed and noted by staff members on the district's evaluation form. The evaluation is to be based upon the stated objectives of the course or subject.
  3. The designee will recommend new textbook adoptions for Superintendent approval following input from staff members knowledgeable of the subject matter area under consideration.
  4. The preparation of reading lists for particular classes is the responsibility of each teacher. The teacher shall present copies of prepared reading lists to the principal/department chairman for review and approval.


Approved February 10, 1976

Revised September 1, 1978

Revised January 8, 1985

Revised May 8, 1990

Revised February 10, 2014