Naming of an Area of an Existing Facility: FF-R
- Facilities Development: F
Significant Public Venues
The District Office and/or Schools periodically desire to name an area of their facility after a person who has made a significant educational contribution to education at the local, state, or national level. If that individual is a former employee, before being eligible for consideration, he or she must be retired for a minimum of three years from the school district. Examples of a significant public venue are, but not limited to gymnasium, auditorium, or athletic field.
The following process shall be followed for the naming of a significant public venue:
- Once a group or individual from within the building has contacted the building principal expressing a desire to name a major area of the building, the principal will contact the superintendent, or his/her designee, to receive approval to move forward in this process.
- Once approval is granted, the principal shall form a screening committee that will make recommendations to the Superintendent.
- The screening committee membership shall include a diverse representation from the school community, school staff and student population.
- The school community is invited to participate by submitting names to the screening committee on a standard form, following specific guidelines that meet Superintendent Policy. Information should include the background and reason for the name submitted. An announcement shall be sent to the school’s local newspaper, announcing the proposed naming of the area, and the process for submitting input.
- Once input is collected, the screening committee shall review all suggestions and forward their recommendations to the Superintendent. Information submitted shall include biographical and historical background and the reasons justifying the proposed names.
- The superintendent will then review the recommendations and forward to the Board of Education for final approval.
- Once the name is approved, appropriate signage will be placed in a prominent position in the facility or newly named area.
Other Existing Property
The District Office and/or Schools also periodically desire to name a smaller area of their facility after a person who has made a significant educational contribution to education at the local, state, or national level. Generally, if that individual is a former employee, before being eligible for consideration, he or she must be retired for a minimum of three years from the school district. However, the Superintendent may, at his or her discretion, choose to set aside the three year requirement. Examples of these smaller spaces include, but are not limited to library, conference rooms, larger classrooms such as a presentation or lecture hall, courtyard, or office suite.
The following process shall be followed for the naming of other existing property in or related to a school building or district building, other than the Educational Services Building:
- Once a group or individual from within the building has contacted the building principal expressing a desire to name a major area of the building, the principal will contact the superintendent, or his/her designee, to receive approval to move forward in this process.
- Once approval is granted, the principal shall form a screening committee that will make recommendations to the Superintendent.
- The screening committee membership shall include representation from the school staff and student population.
- The school staff and student population is invited to participate by submitting names to the screening committee on a standard form, following specific guidelines that meet Superintendent Policy. Information should include the background and reason for the name submitted.
- Once input is collected, the screening committee shall review all suggestions and forward their recommendations to the Superintendent for his/her final approval. Information submitted shall include biographical and historical background and the reasons justifying the proposed names.
The following process shall be followed for the naming of other existing property in or related to the Educational Services Center:
- A group or individual from within the ESC wishing to name a major area of the building must contact the Superintendent and receive approval to move forward in this process.
- Once approval is given, the Superintendent will notify the board that this process has begun.
- Should the Superintendent wish to name a major area of the building, he/she will notify the board of his/her intention to do so.
- After approval has been granted, or the Superintendent has declared his/her intention to name an area, the proposed name or names will be presented to Executive Leadership for review and discussion.
- Following the review and discussion, a recommendation will be made to the Superintendent for his/her final approval.
- Following the final approval or decision by the Superintendent, the Board of Education will be notified.
Adopted: August 2013
Revised: February 10, 2014
Revised September 3, 2015
Related Board Policy: FF