Naming of Facilities: FF
- Facilities Development: F
The Superintendent directs that procedures and guidelines be established in order that the naming of new facilities, significant public venues, including but not limited to gymnasiums, athletic fields, or track areas, and other existing district or building space can be accomplished in an expeditious and systematic manner.
A subcommittee of the Facility Planning Advisory Committee shall be formed, and a process created for submitting suggested names of new facilities to the Superintendent.
The final decision in naming of the facility or significant public venue will be the responsibility of the Board of Education.
Procedures for naming significant public venues and other existing district or building space can be found in Superintendent Policy FF-R.
Names of existing schools shall not be changed except when authorized by the Board of Education.
Adopted: November 22, 1983
Revised: July 30, 2013
Revised: February 10, 2014
Revised: September 3, 2015