Parent Involvement: KBA
- School-Community Relations: K
Pursuant to federal law, the District and the parents of students participating in the District's Title I programs have jointly developed the following parent involvement policy.
District Support of Parent Involvement at the School Level
The Superintendent believes that the education of each student is a responsibility shared by the District and parents. The Superintendent recognizes the need for a partnership between the District and parents that provides for communication and educational support for students, parents, and guardians. In keeping with these beliefs, it is the intention of the District to cultivate and support active parental involvement in Title 1 schools and to set and realize goals for parent supported student learning. To that end, each District Title 1 school shall:
1. Establish a School Parent Involvement Committee
Involve parents of Title 1 students in the development, review and implementation of the School Parent Involvement Policy, the school’s Teacher/Parent/Student Compact and the schools Title 1 Program plan through a school committee comprised of Title 1 staff, administrators and parents.
2. Establish a School Parent Involvement Policy, which addresses how the school will:
- 2.1 Inform, explain and assist Title 1 parents in understanding the Title 1 guidelines, the Teacher/Parent/Student Compacts, standards, assessments, and student goals before a student enters the program.
- 2.2 Provide coordination, technical assistance, and materials in planning and implementing parent education through Title 1 sponsored workshops and parent activities. Workshops shall be open to any parent.
- 2.3 Build strong parent involvement through ongoing communication, conferences, home or school visits and relevant activities.
- 2.4 Coordinate and integrate Title I parental involvement strategies with those of other programs such as Head Start, English as Second Language (ESL), Child Find, Preschool/Early Childhood, The Parent University, and other community organizations. This coordination includes providing translated materials, interpreters for parents of ESL students as needed, and as feasible, as well as providing information in a format and language that parents can understand, to the extent practicable and appropriate.
- 2.5 Parents of exiting students from the Title 1 Program will be provided support and information regarding other literacy programs within the school.
- 2.6 Conduct an annual parent involvement policy and program evaluation at the end of the school year. Conduct ongoing parent surveys that address effectiveness of parent involvement activities and that include identification of barriers to greater participation by parents, particularly by parents who are economically disadvantaged, have disabilities, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, are of any racial or ethnic minority background, or are parents of migratory or homeless children.
3. Identify a Title 1 Parent from each District Title I School to Serve on the District Title 1 Advisory Council
This Council shall meet each fall, spring or as needed to review parent involvement survey/evaluation data gathered by each school, review the proposed District Title 1 Plan for the following school year, make suggestions on how Parent Involvement funds should be used, and review the effectiveness of the District Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy. The District Title 1 Advisory Council will be chaired by the District Title 1 Coordinator.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of this policy shall specifically address barriers to greater participation by parents in activities authorized by law, particularly by parents who:
- are economically disadvantaged;
- have disabilities;
- have limited English proficiency;
- have limited literacy;
- are of any racial or ethnic minority background;
- are parents of migratory children.
The effectiveness of this policy shall be also measured in part by improvements in student academic achievement and in school performance. The District shall use the findings of the evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental involvement and to revise, if necessary, this policy.
District Support for Professional Development
The District, with the assistance of parents, shall develop and implement a District professional development plan to enhance the skills of teachers, pupil services personnel, principals and other staff in:
- the value and utility of parent contributions
- how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners
- implementing and coordinating parent programs
- building ties between parents and the school
Coordination of Parent Involvement Activities with other District programs
The District shall, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with programs such as Head Start, English as Second Language (ESL), Child Find, Preschool/Early Childhood, The Parent University, and other programs. The District shall provide such other reasonable support for parent involvement activities as parents may request.
Method of Communicating with Parents
All information related to school and parent programs, meetings and other activities shall be coordinated at the District level and will be sent to parents in a format and language that parents can understand, to the extent practicable and appropriate.
Adopted: November 25, 2003
Revised: June 22, 2004
Revised: February 13, 2014