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Pregnant/Married Students: JIE

  • Students: J
Pregnant/Married Students: JIE

The marriage or pregnancy of a student shall not affect the right of students to receive a public education, nor their privileges as students of the district, nor their opportunities to take part in any extracurricular activities or honors offered by the school. However, in such cases, the following shall apply:

  1. Students who become married shall report this to the school principal.
  2. Girls who become pregnant and wish to remain in school will be permitted to do so with the approval of their physician. The physician shall state whether or not attendance, and to what degree participation in the regular school program is medically advisable. If continued attendance is not advised by the physician, the principal is authorized to make special arrangements for the instruction of the student and to provide an educational program designed to meet her special needs.


Adopted October 14, 1975

Revised 1978

Revised June 25, 1991

Updated October, 1992

Revised February 11, 2014


LEGAL REFS.: 20 U.S.C. §§1681, 1682 (Title IX)

34 C.F.R. 21 (c)(2)