Retirement of Facilities: FDB-R
- Facilities Development: F
Retirement of Facilities: FDB-R
If enrollment patterns make it necessary to close a school, the following procedures shall be followed:
- Upon determining that a school should be closed, the Superintendent shall instruct the superintendent to notify by letter the parents of students attending the school in question, informing them of the action, the reasons therefor, and the arrangements proposed for the education of their children.
- The superintendent also shall inform the affected staff members and review with them their rights of transfer to other locations. They shall be assisted in obtaining mutually satisfactory assignments.
- To ensure the smoothest possible transition, the Superintendent shall direct that the school scheduled for nonoperation the following year be closed as of the end of the regular school year, unless emergency conditions dictate otherwise.
- If emergency conditions dictate that a school be closed during the regular school year, the Superintendent will work with parents, teachers, and administrators in sending and receiving schools to prepare students for the change.
Approved February 24, 1987
Revised February 10, 2014