School District Mission and Outcome: ADA
- Foundations Commitment: A
The mission of School District 27J, with the support of the family and community, is to ensure that all students have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for present and future success.
Beliefs that support the mission and serve as a foundation for the general learning outcomes are:
- All students can learn.
- Success breeds success.
- Brighton Schools with community support manage the conditions for success.
General learning outcomes include:
- Knowledge and skills
- Communication
- Problem solving
- Personal and social interaction
- Citizenship responsibility
- Life and career planning
The district realizes these outcomes can best be achieved by maintaining high curriculum standards and a quality teaching staff. Proper attention shall also be given to the physical and emotional needs of the students.
A safe environment will be a priority within the mission of School District 27J.
Academically gifted and talented students will be challenged to their potential. It shall be the philosophy of this district to encourage the academically gifted students to become producers of knowledge.
Students with disabilities will be identified and individualized programs which will enable them to realize their full potential will be developed.
The schools share with the home and community institutions the responsibility of teaching manners, morals and ethical values appropriate to a democratic society to all students.
Adopted January 8, 1980
Updated November 1989
Revised October 27, 1992
Revised October 10, 2000
Revised June 2009
LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-2-117
C.R.S. 22-53-207
1 CCR 301-1, Rules 2202-R-3.07 et seq.
C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (requirement that mission statement reflect safety as a priority)
CROSS REF.: GA, Personnel Goals
IA, Instructional Goals
JA, Student Policies Goals