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Sick Leave: GBGG

  • Personnel: G
Sick Leave: GBGG

The Superintendent recognizes that there may be times when an employee is unable to fulfill the duties of their position due to illness. Therefore, paid sick leave is provided for full time employees in accordance with this policy.

Sick leave accrual:

Paid sick leave will accumulate at a rate of 1 hour for every 30 hours worked, up to a maximum of 48 hours. Sick leave will be accrued as time is worked. The District may augment leave through Employee Agreements or at the discretion of the Superintendent. Sick leave use

Sick leave may be taken for the following reasons:

  • personal mental or physical illness, , injury, or health condition or the need to obtain medical care;
  • the necessary care and attendance for the employee’s family member who has a mental or physical illness, injury or health condition or the need to obtain medical care;
  • seeking medical attention or related services if the employee or a member of the employee’s family has been the victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or harassment;
  • the district has been ordered to close by a public official due to a public health emergency; or
  • the school or childcare provider for the employee’s child has been ordered to close by a public official due to a public health emergency and the employee needs to be absent from work to care for their child.

For sick leave purposes, the term “family member” means a member of the employee’s immediate family (a person who is related by blood, marriage, civil union, or adoption), a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis or a person who stood in loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a minor, or a person for whom the employee is responsible for providing or arranging health- or safety related care. Exceptions may be made by the superintendent.

Documentation may be required for approval of taking four or more consecutive paid sick days. Any health or safety information relating to an employee or employee’s family member will be maintained on a separate form and in a separate file from other personnel information, treated as confidential medical records, and will not be disclosed except to the affected employee or with the express permission of the affected employee.

In the event that a staff member leaves the district before completing the assignment and that staff member has used more days of sick leave than he or she had months of employment, the final paycheck shall be adjusted accordingly.

Reinstatement upon rehiring

If an employee separates from employment with the district and is rehired by the district within 6 months after the separation, the district must reinstate any paid sick leave that the employee had accrued but not used during the employee’s previous employment if that accrued paid sick leave had not been paid out at the time of the separation.


The Board, the superintendent, other administrators and district employees will not unlawfully discriminate, take adverse action, or retaliate against any employee who takes, attempts to take, or supports taking paid sick leave in accordance with this policy, files a complaint or informs any person about an alleged violation of the Healthy Families and Workplaces Act, or participates in an investigation, hearing, or proceeding related to such matter.


To reduce unlawful discrimination and to ensure a healthy workplace environment, the administration is responsible for providing notice of this policy and the poster created by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment to all district schools and departments. The policy must be referenced in employee handbooks and otherwise be made available to all staff through electronic or hard-copy distribution.


Adopted June 23, 2021

LEGAL REFS.:  C.R.S. 2-4-401 

C.R.S. 8-13.3-401 et seq.