Site Acquisition: FEE
- Facilities Development: F
The Superintendent acknowledges that the acquisition of school sites is an essential aspect of sound facilities planning. The Superintendent advocates for the dedication of sites by land developers and landowners for future use by the District for school buildings or other facilities. The Superintendent shall consider the following criteria when approving school site acquisitions:
- The site conforms with District site criteria and standards
- Statutory and applicable legal requirements have been met
- If the site is to be purchased, the property can be acquired at a reasonable price based on fair market value
- The property can be conveyed in fee simple
- The property can be conveyed free of all encumbrances, encroachments and any easements or rights of way except those easements of rights of way that do not adversely affect the use of the site for the District’s intended purposes
The Superintendent believes that the location of school sites adjacent to public parks is desirable when appropriate and beneficial to the school district and the local city or parks district. The Superintendent also desires and intends to cooperate with appropriate governmental units and agencies to plan and acquire school sites.
Approved: January 27, 1998
Revised: February 10, 2014