Staff Responsibilities: GBEB
- Personnel: G
The mission of 27J Schools is to empower every student today to take control of their future tomorrow. We engage this mission on behalf of the community.
27J personnel serve as role models for our students within our community. 27J personnel shall demonstrate and uphold high professional, ethical and moral standards.
Essential Responsibilities of All Staff:
(1) Give an All-in effort to forward the mission, fulfill responsibilities, and meet the challenges we face. Drive positive action, keep learning, and make decisions in the best interest of students and the mission.
(2) Model integrity by promoting a fair work/classroom environment, implementing 27J policies, avoiding conflicts of interest, avoiding favoritism, and preventing liability. Represent 27J in the best possible light.
(3) Believe in every student, in yourself, in your colleagues and the collective efficacy that we have to make a difference for students and move the 27J mission.
(4) Demonstrate compassion by listening to, empathizing with, maintaining the dignity of, and care for each 27J colleague, student, and stakeholder. Cultivate safe learning spaces for students; promote & protect the health, adhere to safety, supervision and welfare of students; maintain professional boundaries with students.
Absence reporting: 27J personnel shall report absences to the appropriate supervisor in compliance with 27J policies and any department/school policies. Failure to report absences for three consecutive days shall be cause for termination.
Personnel addressing health care treatment for behavior issues: 27J personnel shall not recommend nor require the use of psychotropic drugs for students. School personnel shall obtain parent permission regarding behavior testing.
Child abuse: 27J personnel are mandatory child abuse reporters. 27J personnel who have reasonable cause to know or suspect that any child is subjected to abuse or to conditions that might result in abuse or neglect shall immediately upon receiving such information report such a fact in accordance with 27J policy JLF and state law.
Possession of deadly weapons: 27J personnel shall not bring deadly weapons onto district property. 27J policy JICI shall apply to all 27J personnel.
Leaders/supervisors hold a special responsibility to move the 27J mission and support/supervise 27J staff. This responsibility demands that leaders exemplify the 27J values and maintain the highest professional standards in the 27J essential responsibilities and in their conduct generally. Leaders/supervisors are expected to take action to move forward their work, tasks, assignments, and schools/departments in support of the 27J mission.