Student Complaint and Grievances: JII
- Students: J
The Superintendent recognizes the need for a democratic procedure for hearing student grievances. Whenever any student alleges that he is aggrieved by the application of any administrative regulation or order or of an order of any teacher, principal or other administrative officer or whenever any student feels that deficiencies exist in the district such as, but not limited to curriculum, content, educational facilities, teaching methods and the like, he may proceed in accordance with an approved student grievance procedure.
Not every complaint shall be classified as a grievance meriting grievance procedures. Those areas of concern that, in the judgment of the principal, may be in the best interests of the student and the school shall be heard formally.
Student forums as a means of expression of opinion shall be permitted if they do not interfere with the operation of the school. Such forums shall receive prior approval from the principal.
Adopted October 14, 1975
Revised 1978