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Student Organizations: JJA

  • Students: J
Student Organizations: JJA

The Superintendent believes that school sponsored student organizations play a significant role in the educational development of children. The school district provides facilities and staff for school sponsored student organizations to meet the specific needs of students. These needs include the opportunity for every student to participate regardless of race, national origin, religion, age, sex, handicap, or marital status.

Schools in the district may encourage students to broaden their knowledge and citizenship by permitting the formation of clubs or other groups that relate to subject matter covered by the curriculum. Such organizations shall operate within the framework of state statutes, Superintendent Policy, administrative rules and the parameters of the learning program.

Each building principal shall develop general guidelines for the establishment and operation of student organizations within the particular school. Among other provisions, such guidelines shall:

  1. Require the approval of the principal prior to the formation of any club or organization in a school
  2. Require assignment of at least one faculty adviser to each approved student organization who will attend every meeting of the group whether on school premises or at another location.
  3. Be open to membership of all interested and/or eligible students
  4. Prohibit all forms of hazing in a student organization
  5. Prohibit organization initiation that are not approved by administration and which are degrading to the student

The principal is responsible for determining that the purpose of a student organization is related to the curriculum. The principal is authorized to deny all other requests to conduct meetings on school premises.


Adopted May 9, 1989

Revised April 9, 1991

Revised February 11, 2014


CROSS REF:  JB, Equal Education Opportunities