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Student Withdrawal from School - drop outs: JFC-R

  • Students: J
Student Withdrawal from School - drop outs: JFC-R

When a student is identified by the staff as a potential or immediate dropout, the following procedure is to be implemented:

  1. The student and a school counselor will meet for the purpose of discussing the reason(s) for leaving school and the student's plans for the future.
  2. The counselor and the student's teachers will meet to discuss the student's present scholastic standing.
  3. The student, his/her parents or guardian, the counselor and the principal or designee will review all pertinent information and give their recommendations.

If, after the above procedure has been followed, the student remains firm on his/her intention to leave school, a final meeting will be scheduled between the student and the counselor to discuss those educational and occupational alternatives, which are available to the student. The discussion will include, but not be necessarily limited to, the following subjects: (1) equivalency diploma; (2) adult education classes; (3) correspondence courses; and (4) available skill training program. In addition, work-study programs will be explored.

When the student has been a dropout for 10 school days, an attempt will be made by the school counselor to confer with the student for a re-evaluation of his/her decision to leave school, with the option offered to return to school at this time as a student in good standing, depending upon the student's willingness to make up missed scholastic assignments.

The principal shall send a written notice that a student had dropped out of school to the parent(s)/guardian/custodian of those students who are no longer subject to the school attendance laws, i.e. those students who are 17 years of age or older. The written notice may include, but not be limited to, an encouragement that the student return to school; an explanation of the longterm ramifications to the student of dropping out of school; the availability of educational alternatives and services for at-risk students, such as GED programs, counseling services, drug or alcohol addiction treatment programs, and family preservation services.

All efforts possible will be extended in an attempt to retain students in school and assist them in earning a diploma.


Approved:  October 11, 2005

Revised June 26, 2007