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Support of Local Community Businesses: DJG-R

  • Fiscal Management: D
Support of Local Community Businesses: DJG-R

The Superintendent recognizes that the District receives substantial support from tax monies paid by individuals and businesses of the local community. Therefore, the Superintendent encourages and supports the use of local businesses, with the goal of obtaining quality goods and services at the lowest possible price.

  1. The Superintendent directs the designee the responsibility and authority to establish regulations and practices for competitive procurement that encourage participation of local vendors, and are in the best interest of the District. These procedures will be consistent with applicable state law, promote prudent procurement practices and fiscal accountability, and take into consideration the important role that local businesses play in the ongoing success of the District.
  2. Award of formal acquisitions will be made to the bidder which is most qualified, responsive and responsible at the lowest cost, and the District will give local community businesses a weight of 2%. Other weights may be given based on individual factors as it deems appropriate based upon the nature of goods or services to be purchased. All factors considered, in the event of tie bids, award will be make to the local vendor.
  3. Transactions identified by the District as simplified procurements (less than $20,000) typically lend themselves, by their nature, to be transacted through local community businesses. Therefore, it will be the customary, but not exclusive, practice of the District to utilize local community vendors for simplified procurements as long as the vendor can provide goods and services of the designated type and quality at a fair and reasonable price.
  4. When in the best interest of the District, transactions identified by the District as formal acquisitions (over $20,000) may be advertised on the District's homepage, or other appropriate method, unless exempted due to sole source or emergency requirements, or as otherwise provided by the Superintendent.
  5. If the District determines that adequate qualified competition is available within the local community, local vendors selected by the District, at its discretion, will be notified.
  6. The District will make the sole determination of availability of qualified local vendors by considering those vendors who have made themselves known to the District. The District will make reasonable efforts to become familiar with the qualifications of local businesses.
  7. Notification to vendors concerning the solicitation of bids or proposals may be provided by such methods determined appropriate under the circumstances by the District. Both local and non-local vendors may obtain a copy of the solicitation and may submit a bid/proposal.
  8. Local vendors who are notified will be identified through the District's approved source list. If a source list does not exist or if such source list does not provide an adequate number of qualified competitors, alternative means of identifying potential sources will be used. Local vendors should not depend on receiving an individualized notice soliciting bids or proposals.
  9. Except as identified herein, notice of formal acquisitions will appear on the District's homepage and all vendors, local and non-local, should keep themselves apprised of opportunities through the homepage.


Approved  February 27, 2007

Revised February 10, 2014

  • Finance