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Support Staff Hiring: GDE

  • Personnel: G
Support Staff Hiring: GDE


The search for 27J staff will extend to a wide variety of educational institutions and geographical areas. It will take into consideration the diverse characteristics of the school system and the need for staff members of various backgrounds.

Background checks

Prior to hiring any person, in accordance with state law the district must conduct background checks with the Colorado Department of Education and previous employers regarding the applicant´s fitness for employment. In all cases where credit information or reports are used in the hiring process the district must comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and applicable state law.

All applicants recommended for a position in the district must submit a set of fingerprints and information about felony or misdemeanor convictions as required by law. (This requirement does not apply to any student currently enrolled in the district applying for a job.) Applicants may be conditionally employed prior to receiving the fingerprint results.

Although an applicant may be conditionally employed prior to receiving the results, he/she may be terminated if the results are inconsistent with the information provided on the form.


Discrimination in the hiring process on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, religion, ancestry, age, genetic information, or conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth is prohibited.

The Board will officially appoint all employees upon the superintendent's recommendation; however, temporary appointments may be made pending Board action.

Upon the hiring of any employee, information required by federal and state child support laws will be timely forwarded by the district to the appropriate state agency.

Felony/misdemeanor convictions

If, subsequent to beginning employment with the district, the district has good cause to believe that any staff member has been convicted of, pled nolo contendere to, or received a deferred or suspended sentence for any felony or misdemeanor other than a misdemeanor traffic offense or infraction, the district shall make inquiries to the Department of Education for purposes of screening the employee. In addition, the district shall require the employee to submit a complete set of fingerprints taken by a qualified law enforcement agency, an authorized district or BOCES employee, or any third party approved by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Fingerprints must be submitted within 20 days after receipt of written notification. The fingerprints shall be forwarded to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of conducting a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history record check utilizing the records of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When the results of the fingerprint-based criminal history record check reveal a record of arrest without a disposition, the district shall require the employee to submit to a name-based criminal history record check.

Disciplinary action, which could include dismissal from employment, may be taken against personnel if the results of fingerprint processing and/or name-based criminal history record check provide relevant information. Non-licensed employees shall be terminated if the results of the fingerprint-based or name-based criminal history record check disclose a conviction for certain felonies, as provided in law.

Employees shall not be charged fees for processing fingerprints under these circumstances.


Approved: June 11, 1991 

Revised October 12, 1993 

Revised January 10, 1995 

Revised June 23, 2021

LEGAL REFS.:  15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. 

42 U.S.C. 653 (a) 

42 U.S.C. 2000ff et seq. 

28 C.F.R. 50.12 (b) 

C.R.S. 2-4-401 (13.5) 

C.R.S. 8-2-126 

C.R.S. 13-80-103.9 

C.R.S. 14-14-111.5 

C.R.S. 22-2-119 

C.R.S. 22-2-119.3 (6)(d) 

C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(f) 

C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(pp) 

C.R.S. 22-32-109.7 

C.R.S. 22-32-109.8 

C.R.S. 24-5-101 

C.R.S. 24-34-301 

C.R.S. 24-34-402 (1) 

C.R.S. 24-34-402.3