Suspension/Expulsion of Students - Hearing Procedures: JKD/JKE-R
- Students: J
A. Procedure for suspension of 10 days or less
Through written policy the Board of Education has delegated to any school principal the power to suspend a student for not more than three, five, or 10 school days, depending upon the grade of the student and type of infraction. Pursuant to policy JKD/JKE, the superintendent has been delegated the power to suspend a student for additional periods of time. However, the total period of suspension will not exceed 25 school days. As a general rule, a suspension will be three school days or less for students in preschool through second grade, and 10 school days or less for students in third grade and higher grade levels.
The following procedures shall be followed in any suspension, unless the student is suspended pending an expulsion proceeding, in which case the expulsion procedures shall apply.
1. Notice.
The principal, designee or the superintendent at the time of contemplated action will give the student and the parent/guardian notice of the contemplated action. Such notice may be oral or in writing. If oral, such notice will be given in person. If written, delivery may be by electronic mail or United States mail addressed to the last known address of the student or student’s parent/guardian.
2. Contents of notice.
The notice will contain the following basic information:
- A statement of the charges against the student.
- A statement of what the student is accused of doing.
- A statement of the basis of the allegation. Specific names may be withheld if necessary.
This information need not be set out formally but should sufficiently inform the student and parent/guardian of the basis for the contemplated action.
3. Informal hearing.
In an informal setting, the student will be given an opportunity to admit or deny the accusation and to give his or her version of the events. The administrator may allow the student to call witnesses or may personally call the accuser or other witnesses. The administrator may hold a more extensive hearing in order to gather relevant information prior to making a decision on the contemplated action.
4. Timing.
The notice and informal hearing should precede removal of the student from school. There need be no delay between the time notice is given and the time of the informal hearing.
5. If the student's presence in school presents a danger.
Notice and an informal hearing need not be given prior to removal from school where a student's presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process. In this case, an informal hearing will follow as soon after the student’s removal as practicable.
6. Notification following suspension.
If a student is suspended the administrator delegated the authority to suspend will immediately notify the parent/guardian that the student has been suspended, the grounds for such suspension and the period of such suspension. The notification will include the time and place for the parent/guardian to meet with the administrator to review the suspension.
7. Removal from school grounds.
A suspended student must leave the school building and the school grounds immediately after the parent/guardian and administrator have determined the best way to transfer custody of the student to the parent/guardian.
8. Readmittance.
No student will be readmitted to school until the meeting with the parent/guardian has taken place or until, in the opinion of the administrator, the parent/guardian has substantially agreed to review the suspension with the administrator. However, if the administrator cannot contact the parent/guardian or if the parent/guardian repeatedly fails to appear for scheduled meetings, the administrator may readmit the student. The meeting will address whether there is a need to develop a remedial discipline plan for the student in an effort to prevent further disciplinary action.
9. Appeals.
Appeals of suspensions of less than 10 days must be submitted to the principal within 2 days after the suspension is imposed. The decision of the principal on suspensions of less than 10 days will be final. Appeals of suspensions of 10 days of more must be submitted to the Director of Intervention Services within 2 days after the suspension is imposed. The decision of the Director of Intervention Services will be final. Students will continue to serve the suspension during the appeal process.
10. Make-up work.
Suspended students will be provided an opportunity to make up school work during the period of suspension, so the student is able to reintegrate into the educational program of the district following the period of suspension. Students will receive full or partial academic credit to the extent possible for makeup work which is completed satisfactorily within the allotted makeup window, per policy JH.
B. Procedure for expulsion or denial of admission
In the event the Board of Education contemplates action denying admission to any student or prospective student or expelling any student, the following procedures shall be followed:
1. Notice.
Not less than 10 days prior to the date of the contemplated action, the Board of Education or an appropriate administrative officer of the district will cause written notice of such proposed action to be delivered to the student and the student’s parent/guardian. Such delivery may be by electronic mail (if such method is agreed to by the parent/guardian) or United States mail addressed to the last known address of the student or the student’s parent/guardian.
2. Emergency notice.
In the event it is determined that an emergency exists necessitating a shorter period of notice, the period of notice may be shortened provided that the student or the student’s parent/guardian have actual notice of the hearing prior to the time it is held.
3. Contents of notice.
The notice will contain the following basic information:
- A statement of the basic reasons alleged for the contemplated denial of admission or expulsion.
- A statement that a hearing on the question of expulsion or denial of admission will be held if requested by the student or parent/guardian within 10 days after the date of the notice.
- A statement of the date, time and place of the hearing in the event one is requested.
- A statement that the student may be present at the hearing and hear all information against him or her, that the student will have an opportunity to present such information as is relevant and that the student may be accompanied and represented by a parent/guardian and an attorney.
- A statement that failure to participate in such hearing constitutes a waiver of further rights in the matter.
4. Records.
At least two business days in which school is in session prior to the expulsion hearing, all records intended to be used as supporting evidence must be provided to the student or their parent/guardian. If a record is discovered afterwards, the record must be provided to the student or their parent/guardian as soon as possible.
5. Conduct of hearing.
A hearing may be requested by the parent/guardian. Such hearing will be conducted by a hearing officer who does not have a conflict of interest regarding the student or any alleged victim.
The hearing may be conducted in open session or may be closed except to those individuals deemed advisable by the hearing officer but including in all events the student, the parent/guardian and, if requested, the student’s attorney. Such individuals as may have pertinent information will be admitted to a closed hearing to the extent necessary to provide such information.
During the hearing, the district will have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the student has violated one of the grounds for expulsion in the school district’s policy and state law. Testimony and information may be presented under oath. However, technical rules of evidence will not be applicable, and the hearing officer may consider and give appropriate weight to such information or evidence he deems appropriate. The student’s written statement, if any, may be presented as evidence in accordance with applicable law. The student or representative may question individuals presenting information.
A sufficient record of the proceedings shall be kept so as to enable a transcript to be prepared in the event either party so requests. Preparation of the transcript will be at the expense of the party requesting the same.
The hearing officer will make specific factual findings and submit those findings and a recommendation regarding expulsion or denial of admission to the superintendent in writing. The findings and recommendation must address the factors in C.R.S. 22-33-106(1.2). The superintendent will review the hearing officer's factual findings and recommendation, issue a written decision within 5 business days of the hearing, and provide the written decision to the student or their parent/guardian.
6. Appeal.
Within 10 business days after the decision of the superintendent, the student may appeal the decision to the Board. Failure to request an appeal within 10 business days will result in a waiver of the right to appeal and the superintendent’s decision will become final.
If an appeal is properly requested, the Board will review the record concerning the expulsion or denial of admission. The record includes notices and other documents concerning the challenged action, the transcript of the testimony, if any, the hearing exhibits, the findings and recommendation of the hearing officer, the hearing officer’s written decision, and other documents concerning the challenged action. The student may be represented by counsel at the appeal. Representatives of the district and the parents may make brief statements to the Board, but no new evidence may be presented unless such evidence was not reasonably discoverable at the time of the hearing. Members of the Board may ask questions for purposes of clarification of the record.
The Board will make final determination regarding the expulsion of or denial of admission to the student and, within 5 business days, will issue a written order of its decision and inform the student and parent/guardian of the right to judicial review. The student and parent/guardian have 5 business days after receipt of the Board’s written order to notify the Board of intent to seek judicial review. The Board will provide the student and parent/guardian with a written explanation of the reasons for the Board’s decision along with a complete and accurate copy of the expulsion record.
7. Information to parents.
Upon expelling a student, the student will be withdrawn from school and the principal of the expelling school will determine what, if any, academic credit may be awarded and under what conditions for work completed during the grading period that is in progress at the time of the expulsion. The expulsion will be recorded on the student’s enrollment and discipline history, but not on the student’s academic transcript. District personnel will provide information to the student’s parent/guardian concerning the educational alternatives available to the student during the period of expulsion, including the right of parents to request that the district provide services during the expulsion. The opportunity to participate in the District’s expelled students program will be at the discretion of District administration. Parent/guardian is responsible for all costs associated with such educational alternatives. If the parent/guardian chooses to provide a home-based education program for the student, district personnel will assist the parent in obtaining appropriate curricula for the student if requested by the parent/guardian.
If a student is expelled and is not receiving educational services through the district, the school district shall contact the expelled student’s parent/guardian at least once every 60 days until the student is eligible to re-enroll to determine whether the child is receiving educational services. District personnel need not contact the parent/guardian after the student is enrolled in another school district or in an independent or parochial school, or if the student is committed to the department of human services or sentenced through the juvenile justice system.
8. Readmittance.
A student who has been expelled shall be prohibited from enrolling or re-enrolling in the same school in which the victim of the offense or member of the victim’s immediate family is enrolled or employed when:
- the expelled student was convicted of a crime, adjudicated a juvenile delinquent, received a deferred judgment or was placed in a diversion program as a result of committing the offense for which the student was expelled;
- there is an identifiable victim of the expelled student’s offense; and
- the offense for which the student was expelled does not constitute a crime against property.
If the district has no actual knowledge of the name of the victim, the expelled student shall be prohibited from enrolling or re-enrolling only upon request of the victim or a member of the victim’s immediate family.
No student will be readmitted to school until after a meeting between the principal or designee and the parent/guardian has taken place except that if the administrator cannot contact the parent/guardian or if the parent/guardian repeatedly fails to appear for scheduled meetings, the administrator may readmit the student.
C. Procedure for crimes of violence or unlawful sexual behavior
The following procedures will apply when the district receives notification that a student has been charged in juvenile or district court with a crime of violence or unlawful sexual behavior, as those terms are defined by state law.
- The Board or its designee will make a preliminary determination whether it will proceed with an expulsion hearing, based on the following factors:
- Whether the student has exhibited behavior that is detrimental to the safety, welfare and morals of other students or school personnel.
- Whether educating the student in school may disrupt the learning environment, provide a negative example for other students or create a dangerous and unsafe environment for students, teachers and other school personnel.
- If it is determined that the student should not be educated in the schools of the district, the district may suspend or expel the student, in accordance with the procedures set forth above.
- Alternatively, suspension or expulsion proceedings may be postponed, pending the outcome of the court proceedings. If the suspension or expulsion proceedings are postponed, the student will not be permitted to return to school during that period. An appropriate alternative education program, including but not limited to, an online program authorized by state law or a home-based education program will be established for the student during the period pending the resolution of the juvenile proceedings. The time that a student spends in an alternative education program will not be considered a period of suspension or expulsion.
- If the student pleads guilty to the charge, is found guilty or is adjudicated a delinquent juvenile, the Board or designee may proceed to suspend or expel the student following the procedures set forth in these regulations.
- Information regarding the details of the alleged crime of violence or unlawful sexual behavior will be used by the Board or its designee for the purposes set forth in this policy, but shall remain confidential unless the information is otherwise available to the public by law.
Adoption July 16, 2024