Conducting Education Research: LC
- Education Agency Relations: L
The District is interested in cooperating with graduate students and other individuals or agencies engaged in research, evaluation, or test development activities. We believe, however, that such projects should be of value to the District in order to justify involvement of staff and/or students. We also want to be assured that the research will not interfere with the teaching-learning process for students or staff, and that the personal rights of those involved will be protected. In addition, a safe environment for all parties, but especially for students, must be maintained during all phases of the research project. Therefore, proper attention shall be given to the physical and emotional needs of the students. For these purposes, the following standards have been developed.
Staff members involved in the approval process include the Director of Assessment, a Research Review Committee and principals of schools affected by the study.
Standards Applied to Research Proposals
- Can the research be carried out without interfering with the teaching-learning process? Can school time reasonably be devoted to the request?
- Will the dignity and personal rights of those who could be involved in the study be protected? Is the invasion of privacy a justifiable concern?
- Will the emotional safety of students be safeguarded?
- Does the request substantiate the usefulness of the data collected, and specify to whom the data might be useful? Does the request produce data that would further District priorities?
- Does the proposal appear feasible? Will the design of the study achieve what is expected?
- Is student anonymity maintained?
- Have parents been notified by mail if the project involves activities or testing not commonly included in the regular instructional program? Have the parents been informed of their right to exclude their child from the research project?
Application, Approval, and Monitoring Procedures
- Inquiry should be directed to the Director of Assessment’s office where application forms may also be obtained.
- Application forms should be submitted to the same office.
- A District Research Review Panel will be convened by the Director to evaluate the proposal, utilizing District standards. This panel will include principals of schools where research is to take place.
- The applicant will be informed in writing within one month of submitting application, of the Panel's decision. If the request is conditionally approved the Director will meet with the applicant to discuss modifications required to conduct the study.
- The researcher and principal determine the arrangements for conducting the project in that school. If more than one school is involved, separate arrangements must be made for each building.
- The researcher is expected to keep the Director informed regarding the progress of the data collection and to submit a written report of the project when it is completed.
- All research projects must be completed by April 30th.
Adopted May 8, 1990
Revised: April 8, 2008