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Vandalism: ECAC

  • Support Services: E
Vandalism: ECAC

The school system's buildings and grounds are built and maintained with taxes levied on the community's taxpayers, and all damage caused must be paid for in the same way. Therefore, every citizen of the district, students and members of the police department are urged by the Superintendent to cooperate in reporting any incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the district and the name of the person or persons believed to be responsible. Each employee of the district shall report to the principal of the school every incident of vandalism known to him and, if known, the names of those responsible.

Vandalism is defined as acts of willful or malicious damage or destruction of school or district property which may result in a hazard and which may be referred to law enforcement authorities.

The superintendent, the principal or their designee is authorized to sign a criminal complaint against persons suspected of vandalism against school property.

Students who willfully or maliciously destroy or damage school property through vandalism or arson or who create a hazard to the safety of other people on school property may be referred to law enforcement authorities. Students who are caught vandalizing school property may be suspended and/or expelled.

It is the intent of the Superintendent to seek damages as permitted by law from students and/or their parents or guardians who vandalize school property.

Current practice codified 1983
Adopted:  January 24, 1984
Revised:  March 10, 1987
Revised: February 10, 2014
Revised: November 10, 2014

C.R.S. 13-21-107
C.R.S. 19-3-113
C.R.S. 19-3-117

GBGB, Staff Protection
JKD/JKE, Student Suspension/Expulsion