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Visitors to the Schools: KI

  • School-Community Relations: K
Visitors to the Schools: KI

The Superintendent encourages parents and other citizens of the district to visit classrooms, activities and functions at any time to observe the work of the schools. The Superintendent believes that there is no better way for the public to learn what the schools actually are doing.

Except for the purpose of attending functions to which the general public is invited, no person shall enter any school building in the district without making his presence known to the principal or other persons in charge of the building.

Any person found in a building without permission from the office of the principal or persons in charge of the building shall be subject to prosecution on charges of trespassing and subject to such penalties as the law allows.

Persons will not be permitted to loiter on or near school property. All persons suspected of loitering will be promptly reported to the local police in accordance with law.

Guest speakers, subject to the principal’s approval, may be invited to visit the schools. At the secondary schools, the student council may provide an initial screening of such requests. Visitors other than those invited with prior knowledge of the principal must obtain written approval from the building principal before taking part in school activities.

At least 10 school days prior to the date a guest speaker or student forum is scheduled into a school, a written request for approval should be submitted to the building principal. The reply of approval or disapproval will be made in writing within five school days. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the principal.

All visitors must report to one of the building administrators upon arrival at school. Any request to remain on the school premises must be approved in writing by that administrator. Signs will be placed in doors informing visitors of the requested procedure.

The district shall notify the public in an appropriate manner that persons violating the criminal law by using, selling or distributing any controlled substance on school grounds, on school buses transporting students or within 1,000 feet of the perimeter of the school grounds shall be subject to enhanced criminal penalties.

Visiting schools is a privilege, not a right, which may be limited, denied, or revoked by a school administrator or designee based on considerations of student and/or staff health, safety, efficient school operations, maintenance of a proper educational environment, or failure to comply with this policy.


Adopted October 14, 1975

Revised 1978

Revised to conform with practice January 24, 1984

Revised October 27, 1992

Revised October 10, 2000

Revised February 2014

Revised August 26, 2020


LEGAL REF: C.R.S. 18-9-112, as amended

C.R.S. 18-12-105

C.R.S. 18-18-407(2)

C.R.S. 22-32-109. 1(7) (open school policy is a required part of school safety plan)


CROSS REF.: KFA, Public Conduct on School Property


School District 27J, Brighton, Colorado