How to register for childcare at 27J
Click on the Childcare Registration button above.
Select the school for which you wish to register.
Select "Click Here to Register" to proceed with the registration process.
- If you have not already logged into or created a RevTrak account, you will be prompted do so now using your email address and password.
- Select the exact participant you wish to register for the selected class. You may also select a "new person" if they are not currently listed in your account. *NOTE: The selected participant MUST be the name of the person attending the class.
- Select your rate(s) and attendance schedule.
- You may select multiple rates, up to one before care option, one after care option and one Monday option.
- AnswerALL required questions before clicking the "Add to Shopping Cart/Continue Shopping" buttons at the bottom of the page.
- Within the checkout screen, you can verify your billing address and "Select a Payment Option", prior to hitting "Place Order".
- When you click "Place Order", your payment will be processed and a receipt will appear. Your receipt will also be emailed to the address on file.