Immigration Resources
Dear Families,
We understand that these times may feel uncertain especially for families who worry about immigration-related challenges. Our school community is committed to creating a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment for all our students and their families. Your child’s education, safety and well-being are our top priorities, and our staff is here to help in any way we can.
Nothing is more important to us than keeping your children safe in our schools and classrooms. It is important to know that the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1982 Plyler v. Doe decision affirmed that schools cannot deny enrollment to students on the basis of their immigration status, which ensures that all students have access to a free public education.
Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination and harassment of students on the basis of protected classes, which includes national origin, race and color. You can find these prohibitions in the federal Title IV and Title VI statutes and in Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Act, § 24-34-601, C.R.S. There is also long-standing federal guidance (see 2016 guidance and 2021 guidance), that schools are protected spaces where federal immigration authorities should not conduct immigration activities.
Schools are places of learning and growth for children from all backgrounds. Your family’s presence enriches our community, and we value the diverse perspectives and experiences each student brings. If you have questions or concerns about resources, support services or other matters, please reach out.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact a trusted teacher, staff member, counselor or administrator at your child’s school. Additional resources and updates on potential presentations, flyers and organizations are listed below.
We are honored to have you as part of our school family.
Online Resources
American Civil Liberties Union
List of immigrant rights
2-2-1 Colorado - Immigrant and Refugee Services
Provides immigration services and supports: Including citizenship classes, ESL classes, DACA, refugee resettlement services, and information about legal rights.
2-2-1 Colorado - ACLU Colorado
Provides legal assistance and education about legal rights.
Colorado Catholic Services - Immigration Services
Provides immigration services including legal advice, education and outreach services.
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
Provides advocacy for immigrant rights.
Provides newcomer information and resources.
Del Norte Neighborhood Development Corporation
Provides affordable housing and other services.
Denver Child Advocacy Center - Immigrant Family Initiative
Provides resources, therapy and support to families facing difficulties due to immigration.
Provides education, connections and advocacy for immigrants and refugees.
Immigrant and Refugee Resources Booklet
Provides information for immigrants and refugees.
Littleton Immigrant Resources Center
Apply for immigration benefits such as U.S. citizenship.
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains - Immigration Legal Services
Provides refugee and immigration legal services.
Provides immigrants access to mental health, education services, language support and immigration information.
National Immigration Legal Services Directory - Nonprofit Resource Center
Provides information for CO organizations that provide immigration services.
Natural Helpers | Village Exchange Center
Supports immigrants’ access to resources like social services.
Office New American - Immigrant Services
Provides new arrival integration and Immigration legal services.
Provides community support, education and resources for refugee families.
Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network
Provides free immigration legal connections and social services to immigrant adults and children.
Information on statewide support programs for immigrant and refugee families.
Provides advocacy in immigration proceedings and essential services, such as food, clothing and health care.
Focuses on Latino issues and provides information and resources about application for US citizenship.
U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants
Provides information and support on rights of refugees and immigrants through legal services, health services and advocacy.