Seal of Biliteracy
Seal of Biliteracy
Potential Benefits of a Seal of Biliteracy
- Encourage students to study languages
- Certify attainment of biliteracy skills
- Recognize the value of language diversity
- Provide employers with a method of identifying people with high level literacy skills in multiple languages
- Provide universities with a method to recognize and give credit to applicants for attainment of high level skills in multiple languages
- Prepare students with 21st century skills that will benefit them in the labor market and the global society
Seal of Biliteracy Requirements:
- Complete all of the graduation requirements
- Students must have an overall GPA of 3.0 in English Language Arts AND demonstrate one of the following criteria:
- SAT - Evidence Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) ≥ 470
- AP English Language and Composition ≥ 3
- AP English Literature and Composition ≥ 3
- IB Exam ≥ 4
- Student must demonstrate Literacy in World Language through one of the following:
- AP World Language Exam ≥ 3
- AP World Language Literature Exam ≥ 3
- IB World Language Exam ≥ 4
Seal of Biliteracy Recipients
Please contact Lucia Gonzales at or Jordan Marshall at for more Seal of Biliteracy information.